Environmental Services
As a full-service chemical distributor, Research Solutions is committed to providing quality solutions to your waste management needs, from minimizing waste generation on the front end to providing waste collection and disposal needs on the back end. We also take the guesswork out of federal, state, and local regulations to make sure you always attain full compliance. Because we are focused on being faithful stewards of the environment, we continuously seek better ways to help preserve our planet in all that we do.

Waste Treatment and Disposal Solutions
- Evaluation of recycling or fuels-blending potential to minimize disposal costs and maximize disposal options
- Reuse evaluations of each waste profile
- Accurate profiling of waste streams for optimum cost effectiveness and processing capabilities
- Assistance with providing labels and manifests by our trained staff
- Waste to energy capabilities
Recycling Services
- Optimization of your renewable resources
- Professional analysis to qualify your recycling and recoverability alternatives
- Utilizing latest equipment and distillation technology for recovery of re-usable materials
- Regularly scheduled pick-ups using our fleet
- Drums, totes or bulk loads
- No additional fees (FSC, transportation, energy fees)
Waste Minimization
- Comprehensive evaluation of your process requirements
- Focus on reduction of waste generation
- Optimization of your investment in raw materials for reuse benefits
- Cost savings by identifying and minimizing waste stream sources
Consulting Services
- SPCC Plans
- Emergency Response Plans
- TRI Reporting
- Compliance Reviews/Audits
- Compliance Training
- Air/Water Permitting
- STI Certified Tank Inspections
- GHS Compliant Training and Software

Waste Stream Capabilities
Waste solvent
- Painting operations
- Paint booth filters
- Paint gun cleaning operations
- Lacquer thinner
Fiberglass production
- Waste acetone
- Toluene
Printing press waste streams
- Alcohols/alcohol-water streams
- Fountain solutions
- Blanket wash
- Ink (hazardous and non-hazardous)
Various cleaning solvents
- Mineral spirits
- High-flash naphtha
- Solvent blends
Obsolete chemical inventory
- Lab packs
- Demo/Decon availability
Bulk Services
- Fuel blending capabilities
- Solvent recovery potential
- Non-hazardous oily water